1st June 2011 - Event Cancelled

Following the fatal accident involving Ken Rushall in Rugby Velo's time trial the previous evening there was a strong consensus when riders gathered at Long Lawford that we should cancel our event. Being only 24 hours after the tragedy occurred there was a subdued atmosphere and it was felt somewhat insensitive to be competing so soon afterwards. Other cycling clubs have asked for their condolences to be passed on to Ken's family.

As for the accident, reports indicate that a lorry was stationary at the end of the straight mile, just before the slip road (near the Little Chef entrance) and the driver was out of his cab seeking directions. It appears Ken went into the back of the lorry and was probably killed instantly. Other riders and paramedics tried CPR at the scene, but it was clearly too late.

Ken, who was 82, had been a cyclist all his life and had even found ways to compete when posted to the Middle East in his National Service. He was known to be game for anything and had tried sailing, skiing and ice skating. He had been a member of either Rugby RCC or Rugby Velo for his entire cycling career. Since 2010 he had been a member of Rugby Velo and a 2nd claim member of Rugby RCC. The picture below shows Ken competing in our final evening time trial of the 2010 season. On this occasion he chose to compete in the original colours of Rugby RCC before they were replaced by the familiar red and yellow in the 70s.