Membership of Rugby RCC

Annual membership of Rugby RCC costs £10, or £5 if unwaged (ie. student, retired or unemployed). Juveniles/Juniors still at school can join for £1 per year. Our normal policy is that juvenile members should be a minimum of 12 years old. Please note that under-18s require a Parental Consent form to be signed (see below).

Membership starts from 1st January. A new member joining after 30th September is credited with next year's membership.

(See section in Club Rules for fuller explanation.)

To obtain a membership application form click on the button below. This will show a Word document which can be downloaded or printed. The form also contains a detachable section with basic information about the club. Please return the completed lower section of the form to our Membership Secretary (see Contacts). Please make cheques out to Rugby RCC, rather than an individual.

Before taking part in an event under-18s require a Parental Consent form to be completed by a parent or guardian. This applies whether the rider is a club member or taking part as a private entry. This form will be retained by the timekeeper/recorder at an event. To obtain a Parental Consent form click on the text below. Please note that under-18s participating in a Rugby RCC event should be accompanied at the event by a parent or resposible adult.

Parental Consent Form